Tentang GPS
About Us
Our History
We believe that Public Speaking is one of the most important skills that enable every profesionals worker to achieve success in life. That's why we are here for you, namely to meet your needs for the best Public Speaking & Communication Skill Training. So that it can accelerate both individual career achievements and company's performance.
Established in 2009, our best trainers have provided training in dozens of companies, agencies,and universities throughout Indonesia.
Public Speaking turns out to be EASY and FUN !
Public speaking learning could opens the access to complete self-actualization in your team / staff that make them feel confident and totality in their work. So that it can improve its performance and engagement in the company.
With our trainer's assistance, who have been trained to provide full practical training, with coaching & facilitating learning skill, and are skiiled at creating condusive atmosphere to learn, We believe that the ultimate goal of your Seminimal mungkin akan terlihat perubahan pada peserta yakni dapat berkomunikasi dengan lebih baik serta dapat memberikan presentasi yang lebih efektif dan tepat sasaran.
Measurable Result
We help your organization achieve tangible outcomes, whether it's improved presentation skills, better negotiation techniques, or enhanced teamwork.
Our Vision
To be leading provider of public speaking and communication skills training, empowering professionals to excel in their careers and fostering organizational success through impactful communication
Our Mission
- Build Confident Communicator : To help professionals master the art of public speaking and effective communication to express ideas clearly and confidently
- Enhance Workplace Communication: To empower organization with tailored training programs that foster stronger collaboration, better presentations, and impactful leadership communication
- Deliver Practical Solutions: To provide actionable, easy-to-apply techniques that drive immediate improvements in professional communication
- Assess & Develop Communication Skills : To offer communication profiling assessment that identify strengths areas for improvement, enabling personalized growth for professionals and teams.
Our History
Our Way of Success
Online & Offline Class (Cov19 Protocol)
Kami mulai menyelenggarakan kelas offline baik in-house maupun public dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat.
Our Team
Meet our Team of Trainers
Novan Yudhistira
Novan telah berkecimpung dalam dunia Pendidikan dan Pelatihan sejak mahasiswa. Saat ini beliau tengah menekuni dunia bisnis dan digital marketing. Beliau menyelesaikan Pendidikan S-1 dan S-2 di Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Jember. Program sertifikasi kompetensi yang pernah beliau ikuti adalah : Certified Trainer & Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) dari Neo NLP Society, Certified Hypnotherapy dari Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH)
Gatot Sandy Purnomo
Gatot adalah seorang pebisnis di bidang pelatihan Bahasa Inggris, yang secara spesifik mengembangkan dan melatih kompetensi “English Presentation.” Sarjana lulusan Universitas Padjadajran, jurusan Administrasi Bisnis ini memiliki 15 tahun pengalalaman mengajar dan melatih kompetensi Bahasa Inggris sejak tahun 2005.
Kompetensi trainer beliau yang sudah tersertifikasi adalah : BNSP Certified Trainer, Certified TOEFL-ITP ® Teacher, Certified TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages) dari World TESOL Academy, London-UK, Certified NLP Practitioner from NFNLP Florida-USA, Certified NLTT Practitioner from IACTM, Tavernaro-Italy.
Taruna Perdana
Taruna Perdana merupakan trainer Ganesha yang paling rutin memberikan materi seminar tentang komunikasi dan public speaking. Beliau menguasai ilmu tentang bahasa tubuh dalam public speaking dan penggunaan pakaian untuk memaksimalkan respon dari audiens.
Humble, dinamis, dan atraktif, merupakan gaya khasnya dalam setiap kelas public speaking yang dibawakan. Bersama Taruna, peserta dibawa masuk ke dalam pembelajaran sangat aktif sehingga jauh dari jenuh dan bosan.
Surya Kresnanda
Surya Kresnanda
Seorang Learning Partner yang telah berpengalaman dalam memfasilitasi pelatihan di bidang Presentation Skill, Communication, dan Personal Development. Kebiasaannya adalah menghadirkan pelatihan solutif dan interaktif, menstimulus keaktifan peserta, dan disajikan dengan sederhana serta renyah.
Surya meraih pengakuan sebagai Certified Master NeuroLinguistic Communication Consultant dari NFNLP Florida USA. Pendidikan sarjana dijalani di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Program Studi Teknik Industri. Saat ini Surya sedang dalam proses menyelesaikan Disertasi pada Program Doktor Ilmu Pendidikan, Konsentrasi Manajemen Pendidikan, di Universitas Islam Nusantara (UNINUS) Bandung